Saturday, June 4, 2011

2011 calendar template uk

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  • matthewroth
    Sep 1, 06:52 AM
    Taking THIS many people to court would be a PV (public view) suicide.

    I know it is protected by copyright and it is not for public use but to prosecute all these people for a beta! Not worth it

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  • MovieCutter
    Sep 27, 12:46 PM
    Me too. And I wish Safari had a "Sure you want to quit?" dialog box for those times when we accidentally do a Command + Q in it.

    It does in Leopard...

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  • bearbo
    Oct 10, 08:58 AM
    see, you just proved me right ;)
    ehh.. you know wikipedia isn't always right, right?

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  • aristotle
    May 3, 10:51 AM
    Ba-bye Canada :'(
    Are you say that you are leaving? Then don't let the door hit your on your arse.

    This is a democracy and in a democracy there are winners and losers. If you cannot respect the will of the people then I suggest that you find some communist/fascist paradise where you can be free of democracy.

    We have and will continue to have universal healthcare. We have and will continue to have a pension system and hopefully the conservatives can patch it up so that it will there for me when I retire as a supplement/backup for my RRSPs. The opposition parties would have either bankrupted the pension system or raised taxes on everyone which would have caused another recession.

    As for Americans, I don't see the connection. The conservatives are "real" fiscal conservatives unlike the republicans and social moderates. Understand this, social moderate mean that they are out to serve the needs of all Canadians and not just special interests. If there are problems with our system then the solution needs to be to fix it for everyone as that is the only fair thing to do. If you pay into the system then you should be able to access that system.

    The Americans could use some real fiscal conservatives right about now.

    Here in Canada, each party gets money for every vote they receive from a federal fund and this system replaced donations from big corporations and big unions which previously was turning our system into a more "American" style situation with lobbying and funding by special interest groups. Maybe the Americans should think about getting rid of their existing fund raising system and replace it with a taxpayer/voter based system so that they are more likely to work for their constituents rather that whomever gave them the biggest cheque.

    @leekohler: We are smarter than our neighbours to the south. We voted in real conservatives and we have a pay per vote system rather than politicians pandering to large contributors.


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  • SevenInchScrew
    Jun 14, 09:24 PM
    Did they change/refine the controller?
    Not drastically. The Xbox button in the middle is now shiny chrome instead of silver. The analog sticks and d-pad are now black and not dark gray. And I haven't seen this confirmed, but it was mentioned somewhere that the controller will now ship with rechargeable AA batteries, and can be charged with the "Play and Charge" cable, thus not requiring the older battery pack. Again, I haven't seen that confirmed, but that would be nice. But other than the slight tweak in color, same controller.
    What I really want is dimensions, or a couple of comparison pictures alongside the original console.
    Here is some pics from the reveal on stage. The old console was actually just a shell, with the new one hidden underneath. You can see pretty well in these pics the size difference.

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  • snberk103
    Mar 22, 11:13 AM
    Great thread for all of us green thumbs out there! Of all the specialized forums I have belonged to, none of the folks are as helpful as the photographers. IMHO

    ... Although, one can look to the future too! This is the beauty of photography! There are no rules, limits, or boundaries, hence zero gravity! :)

    Two Thumbs Up on photographers are the nicest people!

    I have the good fortune to live in a small community that is crawling with photographers. The entire island is 10,000 people and we have close to a dozen internationally recognized/award winning shooters. We have one camera club, plus two and half informal groups of photographers (roughly grouped from amateurs to retired pros (with lots of overlap in the groups) that mount between 2 to 4 annual group shows in the local community art's complex. The longest running show hangs close to a 100 photos each year, and we have a waiting list of people trying to get into the group. One of the rules is that the images shown have to be "New" to island.

    Most of the other non-media specific art groups/guilds accept photographers as full members (rare!) so in fact one can come and visit my little island just about anytime, and see some photography hanging in show somewhere. Just like a big city, eh?

    And - almost without exception - the nicest people on this island of ours are photographers. We socialize together. We bump into each other on the street. We have dinner and beers together. We are constantly thinking up new shows we should be doing. Sigh. Sometimes (just occasionally!) I wish I could go out and not talk shop. "Too many d*mn photographers!" I've been heard to say....

    Any way.... yes.... photographers are good people....


    2011 calendar template uk. 2011 calendar template uk.
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  • zMudvayne
    Apr 30, 01:39 PM
    Guess we could always cancel the order and preorder in store to get the code immediately. If I haven't gotten a code by tonight, then that is what i'll do. Can't do much till after my finals though, so... push it outta my mind.

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  • alent1234
    Mar 26, 09:14 PM
    JObs: kill brin and page. they will be the downfall of google

    eric: ok


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  • aafuss1
    Nov 14, 09:37 AM
    I wonder if British Airways and Qantas wil offer this. After all it's one up on Zune.

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  • darbus69
    Mar 13, 09:51 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    never once had a time prob with my IP4, or any other model for that matter.


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  • Abulia
    Aug 14, 10:53 AM
    Interesting article on how the Apple ads are turning off potential buyers in the recent InfoWorld. I blogged my thoughts on the campaign and WWDC here (

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  • likemyorbs
    Apr 12, 02:54 PM
    But at the other extreme, I'm sure we all agree it is entirely unacceptable to deny somebody a job, say, because of their ethnicity. This would be ultimately harming them for it; and when we harm others by practising our opinions against them, we breach a fundamental tenet of Western society.

    Of course it is unacceptable, and for this reason it is already illegal. ;)


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  • lmalave
    Oct 16, 10:47 PM
    picture the 80gb ipod, in its current form factor.... that slides down like the LG Chocolate does, to expose a full qwerty keyboard... sweet

    Hmm...I have a feeling both the iPhone and iPhone Pro will be flash-based though. But I think you're right they will both be slider phones. I think the iPhone "slim" phone will basically be like a shorter, wider iPod nano with a slightly larger screen and a slide-out keyboard - so it will be about twice the thickness of a nano. The larger iPhone Pro will be like a narrower iPod, maybe with a portrait screen orientation instead of landscape, and will again have a slide-out keyboard. I expect that the iPhone will have something like 2 GB and the iPhone Pro something like 4 GB or even 8 GB. I would be pleasantly surprised if either of these models had any expandable storage, but I doubt it. I think they will initially launch without expandable storage, and then add it later in the second generation of iPhones...

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  • ergdegdeg
    Feb 15, 04:06 PM
    OSX has this tool built in. It's DigitalColor Meter in the Utilites folder.


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  • 0815
    Apr 25, 07:50 PM
    I hope Lion will mark the end of DVD drives in all Macs ... they can be an additional option so that whoever needs one can pay for it - I don't have any need for it and Lion should be available as download and USB stick. I haven't bought any software on DVD in ages - I will always opt for downloads - DVD is a technology from the last century.

    Providing the OS on stick drive makes sense for an expensive machine like the Macbook Air, where people are paying more for the tiny size. And boo to only offering 10.7 over the Mac App Store.

    Hmm, something is wrong with my memory or math ... last time I checked the MacBook Air was the cheapest laptop from Apple and has the USB included - all the more expensive laptops have old fashioned DVDs.

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  • clayj
    Sep 17, 11:11 PM
    I'm huge. :D No one really cares how big YOU are... how big's your iPod? :p

    Myself... I'm packin' Smacky. <10 points to whomever first identifies the reference>


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  • ctdonath
    Oct 7, 07:32 AM
    I would love some sort of flip/clamshell design. I've always hated the single flat slate phone design. I want a phone first not a PDA.

    Ya know, maybe the iPhone just isn't for you.

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  • addicted44
    Mar 23, 01:54 PM
    "Now with airplay" seems too far down the benefit list to drive many sales of TVs.

    Sure, but "Stream movies from your iPhone or iPad straight to the TV. Only on a Sony" sounds pretty great.

    Makes a great commercial too.

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  • samh004
    Nov 14, 10:24 AM
    "Mummy, why is that man watching those naked people doing things to each other." :p

    It will happen.

    That's true, it will, and so I wonder what will be done about it when it does happen. Can airline staff confiscate your iPod till the end of the flight, will an air marshall urge you to choose something more appropriate ?

    Well, the only airline I remember which had seat-back displays for all passengers was WestJet.

    Sweet, I just booked a flight with them for an upcoming trip to Canada, it's good to know they were a good choice.

    Most airlines that fly trans-atlantic and pacific have individual displays for everybody. In coach, most of them play the same movies and series over and over, but in business/first, most of the time you can choose what to watch, and even pause/stop the movies.

    AVOD (Audio Video On Demand) is becoming increasingly popular on international airlines, however normally only in first and business as you point out.

    Hopefully iPod integration will be incorporated throughout all the classes in the airlines which employ it, that way everyone will have their own AVOD for stuff they own. I see no reason to lock out more than half the passengers, when it could drive sales, touting it as a feature on that airline as oppose to another airline - without paying a premium for a higher class.

    I wonder if British Airways and Qantas wil offer this. After all it's one up on Zune.

    And most importantly for me, Cathay Pacific, who are partners with both of them... and I much prefer Cathay to Qantas.

    Anyway, I fly a mixture of KLM / Northwest Airlines, Continental or British Airways, it would be pretty cool, though most of the time I use my ipod whilst sat in the lounge then when on board I watch their movies, they offer like 6 of them and some good comedy channels.

    Generally airlines offer movies showing in the cinema at the time, your getting a movie ticket, or a few, included as a bonus with your travel, sometimes that will beat out movies stored on your Ipod that you can see at any time.

    I know it would for me.

    Mr. Anderson
    Aug 19, 09:31 AM
    if you feel like buying one and sending it to me, knock yourself out. :)

    its in the mail....should be there in a day or two :D


    Sep 15, 12:11 AM
    Dont you think that chip would be a little to hot... . Well, I fully agree with OS X being the best. But the OS and the quality apps are all that is going for apple. Apple lacks speed, but I cant blame apple for that (stupid moto :rolleyes, but I can blame them for not dumping moto a long time ago. If apple computer were just as fast as PCs there is no way I would think about getting near a 'peecee', but they arent as fast ...

    What are you doing that requires so much speed. Do you bill clients by the hour? Do you continually render files that take hours? I'm curious to know why people who harp about speed really need it.

    It's one thing to be able to attach earning to the speed of a computer but quite another to want a fast computer just for bragging rights.

    Designer Dale
    Mar 3, 03:13 PM
    ^^ Interesting literal interpretation of the topic. The couple are so alike and different at the same time. Looks good from the hight point of view.


    May 2, 12:43 PM
    But what does Consumer Reports say about the network connection of this phone?


    Nov 14, 01:05 PM
    (By the way, I always remember the third line as "Take one down, pass it around.")

    We used to alternate verses. You know, to break up the monotony of it. HA! :D

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