Tuesday, May 31, 2011

march 2011 tsunami in japan

march 2011 tsunami in japan. march 2011 tsunami hawaii.
  • march 2011 tsunami hawaii.

  • motulist
    Aug 7, 03:16 AM
    here's my assesment of the situation; a complete and reasonable roundup of what to expect at the show


    Those sound like very reasonable expectations to me, but Apple specializes in the unexpected! :cool:

    march 2011 tsunami in japan. Effects of 2011 tsunami, Japan
  • Effects of 2011 tsunami, Japan

  • Mainyehc
    Nov 28, 01:08 PM
    Money talks. A big ad campaign will produce much increased Zune sales.

    And it's also true for Apple. Many people buy iPods because they have seen all of those TV ads and billboards, not because they did extensive comparison shopping.

    Come to think of it, a good number of iPod purchasers are filling demands of their kids, who specifically plead for iPods. And kids are greatly influenced by advertising.

    Which kids? The same kids who are specifically pleading for MacBooks? ... Windows, and the ever-uncool Microsoft is getting long in the tooth (and those who may want Vista will have to start thinking about replacing their old PCs anyway), and and the Zune is too late in the game. It doesn't matter that they have 95% of PC marketshare and a lot of money to burn. So did the Roman Empire, for that matter (money, not marketshare :p )! Remember what that guy from Creative said about "spending billions on advertising"? Dit it work? They even had to resort to a foul patent infringement lawsuit to earn some cash and keep afloat!

    Sure, if there's a company that can easily perform a media-blitz, it's Microsoft, but OTOH, if there's a company which is ALREADY doing it (try "doing it from day one"), it's Apple... It's actually quite impressive for such a small company! But then again, everything Apple does is quite impressive on its own. ;)

    Anyway, isn't Apple historically a very marketing-happy company? "1984", "Lemmings", "Think Different", "Switch", "Silhouettes", now the "Get a Mac" campaign... Unlike a company we know, which is almost exclusively marketing-driven (FUD, vaporware, "Office Dinossaurs", "Start... something... whatever"... "Welcome to the Social", WTF?... :rolleyes: ). Apple has a top notch product, and M$ does not. And they will certainly respond if M$ even attempts doing something that remotely resembles a media-blitz, and will certainly come out on top (especially if, as a product-driven company that they are, they keep coming up with a stream of new, competitive iPods...).

    The Zune is DOA, I'm afraid... And Microsoft isn't looking too good, either, and even though they'll still be around 10-15 years from now, they probably won't reach their 50th anniversary (unlike Apple, I'm guessing)... I might be wrong, but IMHO, this whole Zune-to-be debacle will be the first (or is it?) among many nails in M$'s coffin, because in this case they initially set out to compete with an established and nearly invincible leader, unlike their constant (and not that successful) attempts at controling emerging markets. Honestly, why does M$ keeps trying to "innovate" on each and every market, instead of just focusing on the PC platform? They are only making fools of themselves by reusing (our outright copying) other companies' designs, by slapping stock photos and un-catchy slogans all over their software and websites, etc... :rolleyes:

    People may have fallen for their lines for 20+ years, but they may one day wise up as far as the PC market is concerned, I hope (of course, someone would have to come up with a viable Windows competitor, whether Apple's own OS X - not very likely for reasons everyone in this board is more than aware of -, or some OSS driven platform, who knows?)... Because they're already showing signs of that on the consumer electronics market. :cool:

    march 2011 tsunami in japan. Japan Tsunami, Aftershocks
  • Japan Tsunami, Aftershocks

  • dukebound85
    Apr 12, 06:11 PM
    I don't think people are pumping it up at all. I personally think that people who can't drive a standard transmission, are just lazy (and that goes for my mother, and her habit of doing her makeup while driving). People only get autos, because they don't want to have to "inconvenience" themselves with pushing down on the clutch and throwing the car into the next gear; because doing so requires them to stop shoving food down their face, or to get of the damn phone. I also hate to hear people moan about how inconvenient a standard transmission is during stop and go traffic; I mean it's not that bad, and I recently took my standard transmission accord to chicago and drove in stop and go traffic for over two hours, and it was not as annoying as some would make it out to be. People are just too willing to sacrifice the fun of driving for convenience.


    having driven a manual for over 10 years, it gets annoying quite often...

    march 2011 tsunami in japan. By VOA. Japan earthquake and
  • By VOA. Japan earthquake and

  • razzmatazz
    Sep 6, 02:34 PM
    i know this is off topic but are they ever gonna do anything about the outrageous cost of .Mac subscription?

    How is it expensive? 99$ a year is $8.25 a month...thats not bad!

    march 2011 tsunami in japan. 28/05/2011 Posted in: japan
  • 28/05/2011 Posted in: japan

  • Rocketman
    Nov 29, 08:14 PM
    amps would lead to another possible product

    I know this is quite a lot to ask for a first foray into this market for Apple but I think they could do alot with AV hardware, with a little help from established high end companies this could be awesome.

    Apple has/had an agreement with Mc Intosh, the audiophile company not to do that. I wonder if they have resolved that by buying the company or a fee?

    This is a possible limitation.


    march 2011 tsunami in japan. HONOLULU — Tsunami waves
  • HONOLULU — Tsunami waves

  • BC2009
    Apr 26, 01:11 PM
    First the Verizon iPhone rumors come to fruition. Now comes the long-awaited White iPhone 4......

    Now we can all start rumors about if and when "App Store" will become a trademark. Personally, I think Apple should get the trademark given precedents out there, but if they don't, I really don't care. After a decision is rendered in this case it will be old news in 48 hours and nobody will care.

    What strikes me is how clear it is that Apple is leading the way and trying to fend off so many folks who are trying to mimic and dilute their brand or copy their every move. Everybody wants to ride the wave that is Apple's success.

    Personally, I applaud Microsoft a bit here. Sure they have copied Mac OS X elements in Windows for years, but Windows Phone has its own unique user interface and Kinect is an extremely innovative accomplishment. Would be nice if more companies were innovating and making cool stuff for us to buy, rather than just trying to copy Apple. I'm so tired of Google's "let's make it close enough to iOS and claim it runs Flash and is 'open'" strategy and Samsung's "let's just make it look like an Apple device" strategy.

    march 2011 tsunami in japan. Japan 9.0 earthquake.
  • Japan 9.0 earthquake.

  • islanders
    Dec 27, 11:20 PM
    For $299 I will guess you would get a dvd, and a download streaming device for iTV. But if you need a mac mini then you would have two dvd players. I hope there is an upgrade for some computer functions such as websurfing and word processing.

    Comcast has video on demand and there is no additional hardware. This services is supposed to expand.

    I don�t see a surround sound audio amp for $299. Perhaps a dock for your iPod, or the iPod is the harddrive.

    I�m really curious where this iTV might be going?

    march 2011 tsunami in japan. march 2011 tsunami map. Japan
  • march 2011 tsunami map. Japan

  • milo
    Sep 7, 08:01 AM
    Personally, I wouldn't want to DL a large movie file without the option of being able to burn it to DVD so I can have that tangible hard copy that makes me feel safe and warm. Then I wouldn't have a problem deleting it off of my hard drive.

    I don't think there's any question about that...it's just that you'd burn it to a data DVD and play it in computers with the DRM enabled, not on a DVD player. Backing up drm media isn't limited, just playing it back.

    Hopefully someday we'll see real DVD burns allowed, but the way the studios are going I don't know how likey that is.

    Unlike music, you rarely watch a movie twice.

    I think you meant to say "*I* rarely watch a movie twice". You may not, but many people do, especially kids, who will be well covered by disney releases. It really just depends on the consumer and the movie, there's no question that millions of DVDs are sold.

    There are a few issues with rentals. Besides DRM, they'd have to compete with netflix and similar companies, which would mean the price would have to be incredibly cheap, probably far less than the studios would be willing to go (don't forget, really the studios are setting prices, not apple). There's simply no way they could compete with netflix without losing money (assuming the studios even allowed it, which would never happen).

    And for all the people who will be disappointed if apple can't compete with their piracy scheme? Give me a freaking break. :rolleyes:

    The best option (besides a rental model, which we know is not going to happen) would be to release a media center (iTheatre, iHome, etc.) that has a 250GB or 500GB hard-drive. All the movies could be downloaded through the GUI on the TV!

    But apple has an even better idea, just have an airport on your tv and stream the video from ANY computer in your house. WAY cheaper, and you're not wasting an expensive computer by having it sitting by the TV all day instead of using it for computer stuff.

    But yes... paying for something that it can be accidentally DELETED from your harddrive is NOT cool...

    So back it up, why would it be any different than the video and audio content apple already sells? Their current DRM hasn't been hacked yet, has it?

    still think the prices are a little steep for things that can be watched on an ipod.

    You won't just watch these on an ipod, apple will release a streaming solution for TVs along with the movie store.

    Apple keeps track of all the songs you buy anyway, so it's my opinion that you should be able to just "get another copy" if you have already purchased a song.

    But sending you files over and over costs apple money. Why don't you just back your files up?

    HD or whatever you fancy, it's cool with me, but talking about quality, why are the iTunes songs still at that lousy 128 bitrate. I mean if they can do movies, nice quality (at least 256) songs are not that diffucult?

    Because 128 is "good enough" for most listeners. The "good enough" point for movies is probably 480(i or p).

    march 2011 tsunami in japan. 1 Tsunami Photos in Japan 2011
  • 1 Tsunami Photos in Japan 2011

  • tuartboy
    Nov 28, 10:10 AM
    "Microsoft is going to put tons of money in this over time, much like they did with the Xbox" video game console, she said. "It's not about the first generation (of devices)."

    Isn't the non-360 version of the Xbox the first generation?

    Didn't it sell very well?

    march 2011 tsunami in japan. 11 March 2011 tsunami damage
  • 11 March 2011 tsunami damage

  • ajiuo
    Apr 9, 07:16 PM
    WOW!!! iCal looks *********g UGLY... I hope they add an option to use a standard gray toolbar area... That seems so unlike apple to do something like that.

    Heh.. What if they give everything that look :). I think I would switch to windows if they did that..

    march 2011 tsunami in japan. tsunami japan march 2011,
  • tsunami japan march 2011,

  • poppe
    Sep 1, 12:46 PM
    Hmm... the problem with that line-up is that when consumers see the shiny new advert saying "Meet the new iMacs" they'll look at the clock speeds and say "What new iMacs?". I think it would be reasonable for Apple to offer...

    17" iMac - $1,199 - 2 GHz, X1650 Pro 128 MB
    20" iMac - $1,699 - 2.16 GHz, X1650 Pro 256 MB
    23" iMac - $2,199 - 2.33 GHz, X1650 Pro 256 MB

    If the Mac Mini and the MB would have stayed under 500 and 1000 repsectively then I would have said you are so wrong, but because they didn't I wouldn't be surprised if they came out with one just above 1999.

    march 2011 tsunami in japan. Japan Friday March 11,
  • Japan Friday March 11,

  • cgc
    Mar 24, 02:38 PM
    I;m going to go out on a limb and preemptively complain my MacPro 1.1 isn't supported :( and is only as configurable as an iMac...the irony...

    march 2011 tsunami in japan. Massive earthquake and tsunami
  • Massive earthquake and tsunami

  • kingtj
    Mar 22, 04:56 PM
    For starters, current models of iPods can also hold podcasts, photo collections and other video! If you have a good sized music collection and/or any of this other stuff? Yes, filling 220GB is VERY possible!

    Beyond that, though? I'm in the camp of people who really like the iPod Classic. The "touch" models are less appropriate to leave in a car, attached to a stereo system. My 120GB Classic spends 90% of its time in my car, inside the glove-box, attached to an interface cable. I usually only pull it out when I want to update it in some manner, or when I'm actually headed out someplace like a park where I might want to stick a pair of headphones in it and use it. The iPod Touch is more of an all-purpose "pocket computer" that you can play games on and everything else. Fine, but sometimes you just want a good device with plenty of storage space that plays your media.

    Do people seriously have that many songs?!!! seriously?!!!

    220gb = 50,000 songs?!!!!! That is totally not necessary.

    Apple discontinue that dinosaur! It makes you look bad to just have it on your website.

    march 2011 tsunami in japan. 11th March, 2011 – A 33ft
  • 11th March, 2011 – A 33ft

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Nov 5, 04:34 PM
    Do you have a clue what you're talking about? It's pretty well-known now that Consumer Reports framed the Suzuki Samurai to sell magazines and to tear down a Japanese company (and SUVs in general).

    LOL. Yeah, sure they did. I suppose we didn't actually go to the moon either, eh? :p

    You don't watch Fox "News", per chance do you? Or perhaps Mr. Limbaugh is your source of knowledge of the world? :D

    I can tell you, I know a lot about a lot of things, and the things I know about, when I read Consumer Reports I am AMAZED at the sheer incompetence of their testing. At best, it's severely flawed, hearsay, and/or simply meaningless. At worst, it's severely biased.

    Yes, I can tell from you post that you know a LOT about all kinds of things. :rolleyes:

    march 2011 tsunami in japan. On March 11, 2011 Japan was
  • On March 11, 2011 Japan was

  • Twizz91
    Mar 22, 03:47 PM
    Did not say he would improve it either. :(

    Adding Bluetooth makes a lot of sense.

    that would be nice indeed. it would be nice if i could stream music from my classic through my ipad ^^

    march 2011 tsunami in japan. march 2011 tsunami map. JAPAN
  • march 2011 tsunami map. JAPAN

  • SaMaster14
    Jan 29, 11:23 PM
    here my G


    of course i got it fully loaded with Bose Sound etc.

    on the far left in the snow last night


    Awesome, another infiniti owner! I posted my 09 G37S sedan in this thread (probably first page)... also fully loaded :cool:

    Love this car!!


    And for the Volvo S60R or whatever.. I find it funny how Volvo said that they were trying to get away from trying to copy basic german lines and looks, yet they completely ripped off the Mercedes E-class styling (with the front lights and the car lines)... it basically looks like a less appealing version of the E class... and the side mirrors look exactly like the Audi S-series side mirrors...

    march 2011 tsunami in japan. Japan Tsunami Photos
  • Japan Tsunami Photos

  • vincenz
    Feb 23, 02:36 PM
    This is my first Mac computer so nothing special but I love it.

    Nice place to start for sure.

    march 2011 tsunami in japan. tsunami vs japan
  • tsunami vs japan

  • Eidorian
    May 2, 09:48 PM
    I wonder what is going to happen to the Dashboard.

    march 2011 tsunami in japan. 2 Tsunami Photos in Japan 2011
  • 2 Tsunami Photos in Japan 2011

  • WildGuess
    Apr 2, 09:16 PM
    This edition will be forever known as the light bleed model. Mine has it, only slightly annoying. But it certainly knocks down the resale value, almost forcing me to consider exchanging it. Also slightly annoying.

    Mar 26, 09:10 AM
    Whilst tablet gaming will never overtake console gaming, unless a TV dock and controller is introduced, its always fun to see a portable device that is capable of outputting games at 1920x1080, where the xbox 360 and ps3 (retail games only) can not.

    They seriously think the 360 can last another 5 years? Considering this is only the iPad's 2nd release, I wouldn't bet on it.

    Ok, here are some numbers:

    The very best, most positive numbers I could find about the iPad2 are:

    Apple iPad 2 A5 carries a PowerVR SGX graphics chip 543MP2, also Dual Core, displaying 70 million polygons and two billion pixels per second, always at a frequency 200 MHz or raw power four times greater than that of the first iPad.

    Here are the numbers from consoles you will recognise:

    Xbox360 Maximum polygon count: 500 million triangles per second

    PS3 Maximum polygon count: 333.3 million polygons per second (1 billion vertices per second / 3 vertices per tirangle)NOT OFFICAL BY SONY

    Xbox Maximum polygon count: 100 million polygons per sec

    Wii Maximum polygon count: No Info I think between 60/75 million polygons per sec

    PS2 Maximum polygon count : 66 million polygons per sec

    Gamecube Maximum polygon count : 12 million per sec

    Apr 26, 02:43 PM
    I bet a lot of money is still gonna be spilled in this...

    Aug 7, 06:08 AM
    For the sake of those who want to remain surprised until we see the video, there should be a page on MacRumors that says "will post link when video available" - so I can just check that page for the video to be uploaded later in the day. I plan to completely avoid all news until I see the video.

    Can somebody do this?

    Apr 20, 02:31 PM
    Learned how to drive a manual in 1969, on a '63 Plymouth Valiant. Taught myself by going up and down the driveway until I got the gas - clutch - shift - brake thing figured out. Wasn't too hard. What I like about it is you have to listen to the engine, you are more aware of what your car is doing. The only downside is in winter, on snow or ice going up a hill and having to do stop and go driving in those situations.

    Aug 7, 06:46 AM
    Not really. I just moved to Mac and i was surprised by the intuitive networking in OSX. However, i agree that it still could be better. Why the aliases? Why won't it connect to the PC when i type its local IP adress? Why is it so hard to have a permanently mounted network drive on your mac? I keep loosing it, having to re-mount it everytime i have taken my MacBook out of WiFi-range. Such things. Maybe most of it is me being a newbie, but still, that proves that it is not intuitive enough.

    Networking in the Finder is one of the biggest complaints people seem to have. Said it before and will say it until its done, FTFF! :cool:

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