Saturday, May 21, 2011

justin bieber feet smell

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  • MacLuvin
    Apr 6, 07:56 AM
    Ok I'm using a Late 2008 MBP model, 2.4 ghz IC2D , 4gig ram. But Launchpad is lagging for me big time, when I try to scroll thru my apps for instance. and when i switch windows its not always flowing. Now I know LION still has a few miles to go before it works perfectly, however I wanna know if its the same for other developers with later MBP's or does it flow perfectly?

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  • Rt&Dzine
    Mar 20, 12:33 PM
    Is Apple required to offer this app? If the app gets removed from Apple, the developers can adapt it and try a different application store. I don't see how this is censorship.

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  • bagelche
    Apr 12, 10:28 PM
    Wow, looks like the rumours WERE true after all! Apple killed the Pro of Final Cut Pro. That guy who turned the much admired iMovie into garbage has done it again. All they had to do was rewrite the engine with 64 bit support, had proper file handling, rendering titling tools amongst other necessary pro features and keep the same F*&$#@*&& interface as pro users of ANY pro software don't want to re-learn an interface for no reason! It takes YEARS before you really know a software under the hood.

    We'll now see FCPx turn into a hit with amateurs and will be completely abandoned by pro users who will all return to avid.

    Yawn...'cause if it ain't kludgy, it ain't pro.

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  • beagleybeagley
    Apr 19, 11:28 AM
    What's up with the consumer MacBook timeline?

    We've been waiting for its refresh. Are they just trying to make me jump at the bottom end MacBook Pro? (Of course they are!)

    I hereby request a MacBook rumor, end of the week at the latest. Please deliver. :-)

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  • el-John-o
    Nov 30, 08:02 AM
    The only thing that bugs me, is that I quite believe that iOS fakes cell reception. For example, having a FULL 3G signal could be anywhere from 500k-2mbps, where my old phone, aircard, others peoples phones, show 1-2 bars, maybe 3. I get the same speeds with it as I do with my aircard in particular places, but the iPhone shows a stronger signal?

    So while it appears to have better reception, I don't think it actually does.

    That said, I've never dropped a call. It's definitely no worse than any other device, I just don't think it reports accurately.

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  • gnasher729
    Jul 18, 03:11 AM
    If I'm going to spend all that time downloading a movie, I should at least be able to keep it. Bah.

    There is another possibility that wouldn't require any downloads at all. In the UK, many newspapers come with free CDs or DVDs quite often. It would be possible to ship a DVD with the latest movies that way (and you can fit quite a bit of material in H264 format on a double sided DVD), and the rental from iTMS would just unlock the material on the DVD. If you put trailers and promotional material on the DVD in a way that can be accessed directly, this would make many people rent the movies.

    And if you want to watch the movie again in a few years, just put in the DVD again and rent it again; no download needed. In the end, even today harddisks are not yet quite big enough that you would want to keep all your rented movies on your harddisk.

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  • ten-oak-druid
    Mar 23, 11:58 AM
    The classic is too young to be old school. But it feels that way.

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  • ahuman7341
    Jul 19, 04:29 PM
    Most critical applications to be out in september? wouldnt adobe fall into this category???

    I was thinking the same things and didn't adobe say that their stuff would be out in md 2007?

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  • Tmelon
    Apr 3, 08:39 PM
    I have the same thing happens with my safari in full screen where you hover your mouse over the top and the menubar slide down it is a bug because it the bar serve no function right now -that definitely did happen in DP!
    Although Safari has not crashed yet where it crash several time a day in DP1

    Edit: I just was scrolling in full screen and Safari crashed for the first time since I used DP2

    I had that yesterday actually. It went away though.

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  • paradox00
    May 2, 05:08 PM
    I got a another newbie question
    I am planning on moving out of Windows (7) and onto MAC OS X, but I want to wait for Lion since its close to a finished product. Now my question is, if Lion comes out, would that mean every Mac (Mac Pro, iMac, iMac mini, Macbook, MB Pros, etc) would have Lion installed/packaged or is there a specific mac that will have Lion on its first day and the other macs would have to wait???

    All macs sold after launch will come with Lion either pre-installed or with an upgrade disk (if they shipped before Lion launched).

    Edit: Lion should also be compatible with any mac with a Core 2 Duo or newer (my Core Duo MBP will, sadly, be obsolete).

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  • freebooter
    Sep 1, 12:32 PM
    if not, how am I supposed to convice my wife this time?:D

    Tell her about the extra three inches to "love".

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  • AidenShaw
    Aug 26, 11:12 AM
    Err...I was defending that Conroe could fit in the iMac. Especially having the G5 in there.
    Could the deciding factor be the noise?

    Not arguing about whether a Conroe would fit in the iMacIntel case - but wondering whether the extra heat would result in extra noise from the cooling fans.

    The iMacIntel doesn't have to as fast as it possibly can, especially since the New Form-Factor Conroe Mini-Tower/Home-Theatre Mac� will be there for people who want a bit more power without the size and cost of the maxi-tower ProMacIntel.

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  • Ichneumon
    Mar 24, 03:14 AM
    I've never had an iPod, only an iPhone and iPad, but can the iPod classic be used as a hard drive for storage? I didn't know that. How does that work?

    If it would allow that, I think I might buy a classic, if it updates in september. I could use more space for my videos and music and if it also functions as a portable hard drive, I can justify buying it even more.

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  • satirev
    Feb 27, 08:08 PM

    does anyone know what hard drive that is?

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  • gnasher729
    Feb 26, 12:18 PM
    Hold it right there! The Kia models sold in Europe actually nowadays borrow from the current Hyundai Motor Company parts bin, and as such are way more civilized cars. Anyone who's driven the Kia Cee'd hatchback in Europe know it's a way better car than people think.

    Mostly because they are actually made in Europe. And Kia pinched the guy who designed the Audi TT to design the Kia Ceed. But I really wouldn't know who is borrowing from whom.

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  • Thirdeye9
    Apr 22, 11:02 AM
    Ipod touch with a storage of classic... But then we say classic good bye :(
    I think apple made mistake calling an Ipod touch - Ipod :) they should call this staff - Itouch :D and there would no be anny problem. Because both machines wouldn't compete with each other and there wouldn't be any discussion which one is better - they would be just different apple staff. And "classic" wouldn't be considered as something old and out of fashion but would sit on his throne of best and timeless mp3 player on market :)
    Now if they want turn classic on his road they have to call him "holly grahl of sound" :D and of course improve it a bit.

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  • pudrums
    Nov 28, 08:06 AM
    Custom-made gloves in black leather with cream-colored stitchings. I'll post a pic when I get them.

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  • TheAnswer
    Jul 18, 11:41 AM
    I don't know if the rumor is true or not, especially since lately AI and TS seem to be at odds about all the hardware news at WWDC, but here is what I'd like to see:

    1. Streaming of movies now in theatres at least at DVD quality.
    2. Streaming rentals of movies out of DVD at a little better resolution than we have now.
    3. The option to purchase a DVD or HD quality version of a movie we have just watched the streaming rental of, with the ability to burn a copy.

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  • lordonuthin
    Dec 22, 04:31 PM
    I had two of them (on two different machines) just stop, all eight cores using 0% CPU.

    Prior to that I'd get one done about 2 days early (with killer points) on each machine.

    So I've restarted the client (dumped prefs/reinstalled F@H) on each machine and now have a completion date of ~12/25 (fingers crossed) for both machines.

    Congrats to twoodcc for hitting the 3 mil mark!

    I've found that starting from scratch sometimes fixes things, so hopefully that will work, good luck!

    Apr 19, 11:04 AM
    A relatively predictable spec bump? Performance bumped to exceed the new MBPs (edit: i.e. Sandy Bridge), Thunderbolt replaces the Mini DisplayPort (could conceivably have two, but I doubt it), FaceTime HD. A RAM upgrade seems unlikely but possible. SSD option may or may not move to the MBA one, probably will (to consolidate stock). A new form factor seems unlikely given current precedent; new screen sizes also seem unlikely due to lack of rumours. They could conceivably bring back the 24" (common panel size would mean fewer rumours), but I doubt they will. Thinner profile (especially on the 27") is also conceivable. Maybe they'll make the Magic Trackpad standard? Free upgrade to Lion when it releases?

    Edit: As others have mentioned, a bumped GPU is obviously also on the cards.

    Jan 11, 09:32 PM
    This Air theme is very plausible. We have AirPort, AirTunes etc. Now we will have more products that will come together via AirPort. Any new products will now have the Air connections. This could be a combination of 802.11x or Bluetooth protocols depending on the level of connectivity required. iPods, iPhones and eventually MacBooks and Macs and even monitors will have no physical connections. We probably won't see this in the laptops or desktops until 802.11 gets up towards USB2.0 speeds. However iPhones and iPods can go without dock connectors sooner as we only sync smaller amounts of data. The size of these devices can then continue to get smaller and look better without the connector which is looking too big on iPod nanos.

    So I think something in the air could be this new direction towards complete wirelessness in Apple products. We may see the sub notebook or tablet be the first to have very limited or no non-wireless connectivity. You may need to have an AirPort to sync and transfer data from your desktop.

    The idea of a new "DuoDock" with an iMac form factor does appeal to me, but I think what we will see is that the new sub or tablet can sit beside your Desktop or remain in its pouch on a shelf and still sync and be ready with all the data you need for when you next hit the road. No need to plug anything in.

    Aug 24, 07:10 PM
    am I right in thinking that there is still no way to do extended desktop (two monitors displaying different stuff) on a Mini?

    Jul 20, 01:42 AM
    You are probably nursing those MS shares you bought at $90, hoping for a better day. It is not coming anytime soon sorry to say. Buying is about momentum. Apple has it and MS does not. Vista already has a great deal of bad press and it has not even hit the street. eWeek and other journals are already writing about Vista security vulnerabilities. That is not a good sign. Vista features and functionality has been scaled back numerous times. That too is not a good sign.

    Vista will sell more copies in its first two weeks than Leopard in its first year. As several hundred thousand years of humanity have demonstrated, rhyme and reason matters little.

    Who would have imagined that the common view. amongst the informed computer community, was MS was trying desperately to draw close to even-up with Apple? About the time MS established Windows 2000, they were at the top of the computer world in just about every SW market there was.

    ....and they still are. The anti-Apple and anti-Linux advertising games are defense, not offense.

    They finally had a very stable desktop, server platform, mail server, yellow pages, browser, office suite, SQL engine, and so on. But once they reached this pinnacle, two things happened (or at least two I want to talk about). One, they became way too greedy with their predatory licensing. It just went through the roof. If you have never purchased SW at the enterprise level, you do not understand how expensive this has become. SW can cost (at least) as much HW at the enterprise level.

    No doubt, but I don't see businesses exactly fleeing in droves.

    The second thing that happened at MS is best described in a quote "When Alexander looked at his empire, he wept for there was nothing more to conquer." Instead of continuing on the path of R&D, they tried to find "new worlds to conquer", secure in the knowledge they had indeed subdued all competitors who could challenge them. Sun had tried to mount a charge in the early-mid 90's. Fortunately for MS, Sun's CEO lacked the wherewithal to do more than file lawsuits. Linux suffers from the exact problems that have plagued the Unix community; they cannot unify because they have no leadership.

    Sun's ailments are a lot more complicated than that, as are SGI's. Most of their problem is that their workstation prices make Apple's seem like bargain-bin deals.

    Gah. The Linux community doesn't want to unify. In fact, not unifying is the core of their philosophy. The vast majority of Linux users (ie, non-n00bs) don't really give a crap about mass adoption of Linux. Many even view such a possibility with horror and disgust. The only priority is choice. It's why there are 415 distributions (none of which are compatible with each other), 9,843 window managers (none of which have remotely similar configuration options), and 3.43x10^15 terminal emulators (none of which actually emulate terminals any better or worse than any other one).

    Waving the "king of the OS hill" prize in front of a bunch of Linux users/developers will only result in them staring at you like a dog that's been shown a card trick. With very few exceptions, only n00bs (and uncomprehending businessmen who think they can somehow profit) want mass adoption of Linux.

    Jul 19, 03:47 PM
    Those analysts really need to do their homework. They brought Apple's stock down because of their negativity. Since they were wrong I think the analysts need to reimburse shareholders for lost money :).

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