Saturday, May 21, 2011

justin bieber fake

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  • WhySoSerious
    May 3, 10:36 AM
    I'm all for merging the two OS's together....but do we really need to hype a feature like this on the main page or even in the keynote presentation in June? Seriously, it's just an alternate method to delete an app....BIG FREAKING DEAL.

    Guess I had/have higher expectations than most when it comes to Lion/iOS5...

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  • henrikrox
    Mar 25, 07:36 PM
    Actually, I don't think there's any reason someone couldn't develop a way to use a PS3 controller with an iOS device. It would probably take some work, and Apple wouldn't allow it in the App Store, but I don't see why it can't be done right now. I mean, I use a PS3 as a mouse for my TV Mac Mini.

    Apple won't allow it. They see this as a touch device. They would thereof never allow s controller. Also if you did have a controller.

    Its not going to work on any game on the iPad. It's not written for it. So it will not ever happen.

    People? Wireless projection of a game to a screen? Really guys. Be reasonable. It would delay as hell

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  • OdduWon
    Jan 1, 09:33 PM
    i hope this year apple takes a wider stance on how they support the artists used in there iTMS collection. More web links and a way of getting straight to their upcoming show list would be a nice start, as some were lost when iT 7 came out.

    With iTv you could have a "front row" seat for live streamed concerts and events. This would be like pay-per view but with a apple tie in.

    And if you had a camera setup YOU could be the event. A sort of iCast ;)

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  • aiqw9182
    Apr 12, 09:00 PM
    The basic process of "This is my source, this is my output" has been around as long as film editing. The overall look of video editing, be it tape to tape, or the current (FC7) editing layout is more or less the same. In points, out points, etc.

    Anyway, you know what. Fine. You can have your new iMovie. All yours. I sure as hell can't use it. The trailers in '11 were cute, but beyond that, it's not nearly good enough for polished output. If you want am, there's your option.

    All I'm asking is they leave final cut PRO to the pros who know how to use it and like the interface. I want under the hood tweaks to make it faster. Cocoa?

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  • atomheartmother
    Sep 20, 07:50 PM

    And I used a Nikon D5000 with 50mm F/1.4G lens. :cool:

    What was the checkout like? Did you have to go through their checkout? I'm always suspicious of those places, and am concerned that they're using unsecured special checkouts and/or are stealing identities. And I'm not usually a suspicious person.

    But it's hard to resist for $1.00. The Griffin Reveal I bought was a ridiculous $25.

    Do these fit on the cases snugly or are they kind of loose?

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 22, 10:03 PM
    I am more interested in knowing what good or purpose this is even been added for?

    plus unencrypted is a major privacy concern ... just of the top of my mind, I can see where someone's house could be broken into by tracking the owners whereabouts.

    As opposed to the much easier method of everyone in your neighbourhood noticing you're at work all day? :confused:

    There are many people whose movements are best kept secret from certain others, with risk of life if revealed.

    Battered women or kids in a secret shelter home, witness protection participants, undercover agents of all sorts, dissidents and rebels.

    On a less serious note, there are probably some bosses who gave out iPhones, checking company iTunes hosts this weekned to see if their employees' travel receipts and sick days match their movements.

    A HUGE stretch. There are other, easier ways of finding people. People in witness protection . . . carry items and live in areas that suit their situation. They are told what to do and not to do by the authorities. Personal phones are taken into account. Duh!

    Undercover agents? LOL WTF is this, Russia House? I'm pretty sure they're "UNDERCOVER", meaning, tracking them would be useless, since there is nothing advertising their personal information. All anyone would get is random location data that could belong to anyone.

    Dumbest examples ever. And you're a smart guy otherwise, so it's surprising.

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  • PowerFullMac
    Jan 12, 11:35 AM
    You never know. The same thing happened with the fat Nano rumor:

    True! People can spectulate all they like, but no one knows what Apple are planning! The "daft" Nano rocks! And so will this MacBook Air if it comes out, Apple NEVER fails to amaze! :D

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  • Lepton
    Jul 18, 04:52 PM
    Apple wants to sell movies for $9.99, the studios say no, because they are greedy. Let's rent them for (I'll guess) $1.99 per view! Or (I'll guess) unlimited movies for $19.99 per month! That way, we get big bucks!

    Foolish foolish, foolish. The movies will have DRM on them. The DRM will be cracked, because ALL DRMs are cracked. So the studios end up with, instead of $10, a measly $2, because people will rent them for one view, crack the DRM, and now own the movie permanently.

    The viewer gets the movie permanently anyway, instead of getting $10, they get $2 because they are greedy, and dumb.

    Or worse, a use pays $20 for a month, downloads every ding dang movie in the store, and gets them all. Even worse, the cracked movies will be put all over the Net by frustrated viewers.

    Let Apple do it RIGHT! People will pay $10, get the movie and be legal and nice, happy viewers don't crack DRM, don't put cracked films all over the Net, and the studios make out big. Just like with music. But nooooo, greed loses every time.

    By the way I predict movies will be 16:10 (sic) widescreen and not HD, stream in like Front Row trailers, streamable in iTunes AND in Front Row, the streams will be downloadable as you watch so they will be loadable and viewable on current and new widescreen video iPods, and will be compressed to about 1GB/100 minutes.

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  • macintel4me
    Sep 1, 03:53 PM
    What "This" is This? You need to include a link with your references please? We can't read your mind. :confused:
    I think "This" is this thread; "23-inch iMac on Sept 12th?".

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  • mrblack927
    Mar 31, 07:06 AM
    I haven't noticed too many aesthetic differences (besides iCal of course) but it does feel overall smoother than DP1 to me. You can tell Apple is working hard to get this ready for prime time.

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  • haysoos123
    Apr 13, 02:07 AM
    +1 here. Every time I've tried to use iMovie for a "quick" edit it always ends in disasters like this. In my case, I was trying to move some music around and time my edits with the music. It was really infuriating trying to do this in iMovie compared to how fast I could have done it in FCP. I guess we'll have wait till Apple posts more info or we get it in our hands to really tell if it can be run like the current FCP.

    True, but why try to use iMovie for a quick edit in the first place? It's not really made for you, and its basic workflow is certainly not made for you. You should use what you can use, even for your home movies. Just because FCP is more advanced doesn't mean you can't also use it for very simple things.

    Count me as excited for this release. As far as I know, they haven't said they would remove key features, but these updates to 64-bit and core usage enhancements have been overdue. For all you guys claiming it's "not pro" ... have you used it? How do you know that from these few details?

    We don't know anything about the Suite offerings, so any bitching on that front is premature. I hope they keep Color and make a great update to Motion. The smoother color controls inside FCP will be a boon for basic things... like you need it to look presentable for cut reviews. Color is great to have around for the integrated post houses and for indies, but we have to remember that FCP is an editing program first and foremost. I will continue to take my bigger projects in for color timing on daVincis with great colorists. But for my lower-budget stuff where that's not in the cards, I hope they throw us a bone.

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  • MacSA
    Aug 29, 11:21 AM
    Apple's laptop sales have soared in the last 12 months or so, while desktop sales have seen quite a drop. A price cut to the Mini might go some way to rectifying that problem.

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  • Abstract
    Feb 22, 07:50 PM
    A bit off-topic, but why haven't car manufacturers created hybrid cars that use a diesel engine + battery? There are lots of petrol-electric hybrids, but not diesel. :confused:

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  • Ted Witcher
    Mar 22, 05:40 PM
    Oh, wait, I see. Voyager.

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  • p0intblank
    Jul 19, 03:46 PM
    Impressive numbers! :D Intel Mac sales are actually higher than I thought they'd be. And of course, the iPod is the leader once again.

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  • NAG
    Jan 12, 06:32 PM
    I've always been a fan of the device that lets you remote access your computer (like a Star Trek PADD). Doubt we'll see one anytime soon though.

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  • isgoed
    Nov 27, 01:35 PM
    20" is the new 17", duh. :cool:<= So right.

    And 17" widescreen?? :confused: That is just small. That is about the samy height as my 1996 performa's 14" screen.

    No, but no thanks.

    And apple just can't compete with other vendors when you consider the general price-point of these things.

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  • skiltrip
    Oct 6, 01:29 PM
    Thanks. That looks like a great case there too!

    I hope it's nice in person. I have a cheapo $2 gel case in smokey black I got on Ebay. Looks nice, but tons of watermarking, and the fit is so-so. Hard to get on right. And the volume button cover on that cheapo case sucks. Hopefully this will be a good compromise.

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  • Eraserhead
    Mar 31, 03:23 PM
    Admittedly, the Brits aren't very good at letting it go either.

    We did more history coverage of WW2 than India and China combined.

    Oct 1, 01:40 AM
    Actually I just wiped the inside of the case a bit with sandpaper and the watermarks are mostly eliminated. It basically looks like I brush metaled the iPod without actually doing so. It'll probably scratch the hell out of my iPod if I leave in for too long but I figure I'm never rocking this thing naked anyway so might as well.

    Yeah they're not that great, but it does keep it pretty safe for a cheap temporary case. Its very hard to squeeze into when you first get it, but once you do, the case loosens. A little too loose actually.

    Both the cases I got were like warped out of place or something. It wouldn't properly cover the iPod like in your pictures.

    Aug 29, 02:07 PM
    The pricelist from Intel themselves (PDF). (

    Core 2 Duo: Merom pricing.

    Yonah prices in normal font, Merom in bold
    1.66 GHz - $209/ $209
    1.83 GHz - $241/ $241
    2 GHz - $294/$294 etc. etc. That link is currently to the July 27th 2006 price list which was way before the merom announcement (note that no merom parts are listed). Wait until the new price list is posted...

    Aug 7, 06:04 AM
    Since AMD took over ATI I think we won't be seeing to many ATI cards in future products of Apple.

    Not letting Intel vendors include ATI products would be the best way for AMD to lose a lot of money.

    You can also look at it like this:
    ATI products sell well --> AMD makes lots of money --> AMD spends more money on research --> AMD makes better cpus --> AMD sells more cpus --> AMD makes even more money

    (and yes I know it's of course a very simple way to look at things that are quite complex)

    Feb 22, 08:20 PM
    In brief:

    Oct 23, 06:16 PM
    At this rate the PowerBook G5 will be here before the Merom.

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