Friday, June 10, 2011

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  • sapking
    10-11 01:38 PM
    Check with immigration attorney..S/he is your best source for advice/guidance.

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  • pak
    10-08 03:22 PM
    I am on F-1 applied I-485 and I-765 (EAD) on July 3 but there is no RN till yet. Can I apply for OPT-EAD which USCIS process in 11 weeks?????

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  • mgmanoj
    08-20 06:19 PM
    Whats the process to do stamping in canada ? My visa has expired since Jan' 2008 - is it same like India ? Do we still get stuck with PMIS or is it okay to go on I-94 and keep the same to re-entry if any issues ?

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  • abhishek101
    05-17 05:50 PM
    I have Master's degree from US and have been with the company for 6yrs. This is the response from my Attorney on porting to EB2 category. My I485 was filed during July 2007. What can i do to be able to file a new PERM LC for porting to EB2 category without affecting my I485 application? Please advise.

    Thank you for your email inquiring about filing a new PERM labor certification (PERM LC) application to qualify for the EB-2 preference category. A final determination has been made on whether a new PERM LC can be filed.

    Regulations that govern the PERM Labor Certification process do not permit an employer to file a new PERM LC application for the sole purpose of shortening the wait time in immigrant visa preference categories. Company will not file a new PERM LC unless it is clearly required by regulation.

    We completed our research and legal analysis. The purpose of the research was to determine whether you can still benefit from your current case, or whether substantial job changes require, by law, a new PERM LC application to be filed on your behalf.

    Our final assessment is that while some job changes have occurred, the changes are not substantial in the context of labor certification regulations. Please note that while the group, products and/or daily tasks in your employment may be different, these changes are not substantial from an immigration perspective and do not require a new PERM LC. In addition, portability provisions of the law allow considerable flexibility for job changes when an I-485 Adjustment of Status application has been filed.

    This is not an internal policy matter, rather company's compliance with U.S. Department of Labor regulations that govern the PERM LC process.

    What your lawyer is saying that your duties are not 50% different from the original filing. Seems you work for a big corporation.

    I work for a fortune 10 company and one of my colleague got the exact same response when she tried the same thing. I moved from Tech to Finance and they were fine doing it for me. So try to change your job substantially and retry.


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  • cagedcactus
    07-24 04:01 PM
    My I 140 was rejected in April 2007 because USCIS thought that my company couldnt show the ability to pay. My PD was 2003 August.
    My attorney filed an appeal, and now he suggests, that we file fresh I 140 and I 485 using the same Labor approval from original PD.
    I asked her, whether it was allowed, because I was thinking about filing fresh PERM under the impression that since My I 140 was rejected, I lost my PD.

    I need help from the GURUs here. Is the above possible?
    My attorney says that when an appeal is pending, once can file a new I 140 and get that approved (so it replaces that appeal). And the benefit would be I will be able to file I 485 right now along with I 140.

    Please help me out. I need to act soon on this.
    Many thanks in Advance.......

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  • shirish
    09-11 06:37 AM
    Thankx for the info.

    did you send ur 485 application directly to TSC or was it transfered to TSC?

    EB2 - India - July 2005
    RD - 7/26/2007
    ND - 09/27/2007
    Hard LUD on I-485 on 9/3/08 saying that RFE was sent on 9/2. RFE recvd on 9/8. Last date to reply RFE by 10/6.

    Hope this helps


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  • indio0617
    01-08 02:53 PM

    My brother-in-law and sister are both Indian Doctors, having a private practice in INDIA. They would like to apply for visitor's visa.

    Any suggestion about the problems they may encounter? Do they have to go on two differrent dates for getting the visa stampped at Chennai?

    Thanks in Advance,

    They can apply together as Husband and wife. They will have to go through the normal procedure for a visitor visa B-2. The important thing will be to prove their non-immigrant intent to the consular officer and that they WILL return to INDIA after their temporary stay.

    I would say it is a 50 -50 chance given their profile.

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  • gsc999
    01-20 12:05 PM
    Core team,
    Any progress on the core teams efforts to allow 485 filing for those with approved I 140's but whose PD is not current ?

    No need to elaborate. Just need to know if we are still working to get it in and what the chances are like.
    The core group is working on that. Latest update is that we need funds to lobby for this effort and IV has sent out messages asking for member contributions. Let us know if you have already signed-up if not please do so.


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  • prabhu07
    05-21 11:44 AM
    @gcformeornot - Thanks for the reply. Its my current employer who has applied for H1 as my L1 is maxing out, so, I am not in a total rush to change employers.

    @surabhi - Thanks for the detailed reply, much appreciated. Your answer to my #2 question just made my day. I just wanted confirmation that I can still use my old priority date. I have no problems starting with a new labor, new I-140, as long as I can retain my old Priority date. Will you get real mad if I ask "can you re-confirm your answer" ? :D Nonetheless, Thanks a bunch again. :)

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  • pbojja
    06-02 03:24 PM
    Happy Scenario

    1) Once my EB2 labor gets approved, Do they have to file new I 140 again (OR) can they use the approved I 140 (EB3) to port my PD to EB2 application - No need to File for 140

    3) If they have to file I 140 again for this I 140 goes through the regular time frames (12months) (OR) since my EB3 140 is already approved my EB2 140 gets approved faster. -- They approve Faster in a month

    Not so Happy scenario and reality

    1) Once my EB2 labor gets approved, Do they have to file new I 140 again (OR) can they use the approved I 140 (EB3) to port my PD to EB2 application - You need to File for 140 after the labor approval 6+months

    3) If they have to file I 140 again for this I 140 goes through the regular time frames (12months) (OR) since my EB3 140 is already approved my EB2 140 gets approved faster. -- Takes 1+ year to get your 140 approved + you need to wait for 6 months+ to get your 485 interfile updated

    We are talking about atleast 2 to 3 years to get from EB3 to EB2 , so Please participate in IV campigns , call the representatives


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  • ivar
    04-09 05:29 PM
    Dear IV Friends,

    After reading the title you people must be thinking that i got my GC or 485 approved but the fact is I Finally got my PERM filed this month. The purpose of this thread is to inform anyone who is waiting for PERM withdrawal that it took THREE months to withdrawal my OLD perm application. I hope no one is in this situation.

    Whenever i use to post something on IV, folks use to have a generic answer "update your profile" but i couldn't as i was waiting to file my PERM. This for those people who always wanted me to update my profile. Checkout my Priority date is April 09 :D in my profile

    I am in my 5th year of H1b hope this time i get my PERM approved. In my earlier Green card process i have already been through this queue two times and now i have to start allover again.


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  • gconmymind
    08-13 06:53 PM

    Whats your opinion? Do I have a chance with new updated list and 4 more publications and a letter about my leadership role?

    With identical evidence, my EB2-NIW was approved at NSC.

    -Please advice.


    A friend of mine, with similar credentials like yours (from what i can get from your post) got his GC thru EB2-NIW. He didn't have to go through lengthy labor process. His lawyer recommended against filing for EB-1. Please contact a lawyer and hope for the best


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  • pappu
    06-12 04:09 PM
    This meeting is very important especially in light of recent remarks from Sen. Harry Reid. We have to find out more information on the background discussions on this. There is a possibility that either Administration is serious about it and wants to give time for people to come with a consensus or this delay may cost us this year's CIR.

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  • GCapplicant
    08-14 02:10 PM
    checked with uscis ...she has mentioned we have to wait 90 days for the great receipt .Thats what shows in their system.

    if receipt takes so much time how about EAD.

    Earlier they mentioned 45 90 days.No idea.:(


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  • bala50
    02-18 10:32 AM
    And it may well depend upon the demand for H1b visas this year. If there is a huge demand for H1b visas like last year, there is a good chance congress may recapture lost H1b visas. Then EB visas may also be recaptured along with H1b visas.

    But I'm not sure about the demand for H1B this year , as H4 to H1 conversion will be down this year due to (most of) H4 visa holders getting EAD. Another issue is if OPT is increased to 24 months, then F1 to H1 will also fall drastically.
    Fear of recession may also reduce new H1B visa demand.

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  • TheCanadian
    01-25 01:30 AM
    I gotsta give it to the snow.


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  • EB2_Jun03_dude
    11-29 04:49 PM
    I got this RFE email Nov 28th. Yet to receive the letter so do not have the "response time window".

    Assuming they give me 6 weeks (Jan 7th) to respond. I will request my attorney to fax and then courier the Response to USCIS on Jan 3rd(Friday). I am planning to fly back on Jan 5th(Sunday). This way when I am at POE the I-485 status is still pending. It s..ks to do all these manipulations... but this trip is long pending and some urgent issues need to be taken care during this trip.

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  • rpat1968
    03-09 12:04 PM
    Per Charles Oppenheim, Chief of Immigrant Visa Control and Reporting Division at the U.S. Department of State (DOS) the visa numbers for EB2 and EB3 - India & China to Stay at Current Levels in year 2007.
    (Post from )

    Employment-Based Second Preference / EB2

    The employment-based second preference (EB2) category is expected to remain at its current cutoff dates for nationals of India and China. These dates have been stagnant at April 22, 2005 for China and January 8, 2003 for India for a few months.

    Employment-Based Third Preference / EB3

    No forward movement is expected for the employment-based third preference (EB3) category. In fact, as predicted in the March Visa Bulletin and confirmed by Mr. Oppenheim, there is a strong possibility that the EB3 numbers that are not in the "worldwide" chargeability will further retrogress, or move backward. This is expected to occur in the summer of 2007. This backward movement is based upon excessive demand for the limited supply of visa numbers. This will adversely affect nationals of India and China.

    This means it is much more important and essential to get Congress to allot more numbers for Legal Immigration or lease we will be struck with this in GC black hole for years to come.

    Guys wake up and start talking to Senators, Congressmen. Get your employers to send letters to Congress. Help IV by contributing and increasings IV membership, spread the word among you foreign friends , students.


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  • ItIsNotFunny
    03-26 01:33 PM
    No, if you had H1 before (in 6 years) you are not subject to cap.

    If you don't have 1 year gap. otherwise you are subjected to.

    10-09 06:55 PM
    I am not a lawyer, but this is what I can tell (as far as I know):

    1. You will get 3 yrs extension of H1B for company B as long as your 140 is not revoked by employer A at the time of adjudication of H1B AND your PD is retrogressed.

    2. If company A revokes 140 AFTER your H1B with company B is approved, this will not affect your H visa/status. what I dont know is: will this create any problems in getting a VISA stamped at the consulate in future or not.

    3. Once your 140 is approved, PD is urs. No matter what happens to the original I 140, as long as you save a copy of approval notice, you can port the PD any time in future.

    4. As you have not filed 485 yet, you are not eligible for AC21. So, once you go to company B (and company A is not ready to co-operate and/or revokes 140); you will have to start your GC process from scratch (new PERM and new 140). However, PD will be urs forever!

    Good Luck.

    I just went through a job change with an approved I-140 and can tell you that whatever kodur_007 has stated is true from personal experience.

    Its a rather big pain though but that's the fate of an immigrant(specially I or C) in the US.

    10-01 05:52 PM
    I already pllued all of my paperwork from attorney.
    You must have at least a copy of all your filing paperwork from Labor Filing till today. This is required when you are filing anything new or responding any RFE, you sould match each and everything on the USCIS records when you are submitting any new paper work as a part of RFE/new application etc.
    So, better have a copy of all paprework before..

    I dont intend to change my employer/lawyer but just got all original approvals and copy of each and every paperwork from my attorney till date about my GC.. just to be safe..
    I can pull out my G28 and be on my own at any time, but still save my ongoing pending petitions..

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