Monday, May 30, 2011

Renault 5 Turbo Interior

Renault 5 Turbo Interior. My new car gt;gt;Renault 5 Turbo 2
  • My new car gt;gt;Renault 5 Turbo 2

  • pdjudd
    Oct 7, 04:57 PM
    Have you actually READ the link you posted?
    Times have changed a bit since then, you know ...
    Yes, I have. Several times. Things have changed, but the base premise of the article still applies - Microsoft Got Lucky - there is no way to suggest that Apple can pull that off in this day in age when the world depends too much on Microsoft. The article deals with past actions affecting the present. Its very relevant. Its point is that MS got successful because of how it parlayed successes over time, not because it embraced an "open strategy". They did that years ago. Read the whole thing. Grueber makes a point that still applies today because marketshare in the OS world has changed very little.

    Due to Apple's grown popularity (if not ubiquity) it can be safely assumed that quite a few more people would install Mac OS if it were officially supported on non-Mac hardware. A highly significant number of people? Good question. To Apple's benefit? Probably not.

    Popularity is irrelevant. Going up against Microsoft is suicide. Period. Their market share is too large and Apple's success is too dependent on hardware sales. Microsoft's objective is to rule the roost. They did that way back in the early 90's and they are too well entrenched to be taken out directly. They are just too big. You are simply conjecturing without any basis in reality. Apple tried the cloning market and it failed because people by in large do not want to undertake the massive pains to go to a completely different platform without somewhat of a safety platform. People want Windows because the stuff they run on depend on it. Thant and competing with Microsoft directly is a folly - going up against MS is going to be very bloody. You have better luck elephant hunting with a pea shooter.

    Take a look at any other market that involves hardware and software. The article makes a good point about video games. They are totally incompatible with each other and are very closed systems. They remain successful because they can take one success and transition it to another - like the Mario franchise. MS did the same thing with computers years ago (with the objective of being really lucky thanks to boneheaded decisions by IBM). Apple did not. Of course Apple's objectives were far different back then, but Apple operates differently than MS does.

    While Apple could get a few more customers, it just wouldn't last. There is no reason to think that it would or that they could sustain it. Its about making a good choice.

    You cannot say that Apple's market strategy would gain them more money from copying MS business strategy, you just can't because they aren't the same. You cannot make a flawed assumption and think that Microsoft got achieved success by doing things the way the market was meant to be. They didn't. Microsoft got real lucky and rode on the coat tails of IBM business mentality and got massive market share because of that - way back in the 80's. That's just how things ended up. Doesn't mean that it works that way all the time and there is no reason to suggest that Apple is gonna want to chance it.

    At this point in the game Microsoft has won - Jobs has admitted that years ago. Microsoft makes billions from the business market that by in large has no interest in making a risky and expensive change that going to Mac entails. Microsoft provides a very prediction, safe route that has massive industry support. Apple would have needed this kind of success really early on - but back in that day, they were adopting practices that were fundamentally different.

    It doesn't matter that Apple's system is better - the lions share of the market made their choice years ago and that market doesn't tolerate direct competition. In Microsoft's world - they are the only game in town. And I say that the reason is that Apple is still around because they don't encroach into Microsoft's big markets. They don't license their software out to Microsoft's partners, they don't sell office software to PC's. There is a reason - Microsoft is far too big.

    Renault 5 Turbo Interior. 1988 Renault 5 Turbo
  • 1988 Renault 5 Turbo

  • dmelgar
    Jul 10, 08:09 AM
    Is the battery life as bad as I've heard? I think I prefer the Incredible to the Droid X (mainly because of size), but I hate not being able to make it through the day without charging my phone.
    Ya, battery life is pretty abysmal. Partly that's because its so easy to load up on power consuming background apps. They're really useful and let me do things you can't do not even on iPhone 4.
    I got to the point I couldn't go anywhere without a charger.
    I ended up buying an extended life battery. It does make the phone bigger and heavier but not unreasonably so. The bigger battery is awesome. I can run games or surf or navigate all day. It lasts a whole day no matter how hard I try to kill it. My iPhone 3g also would require multiple charges a day because I'm such a heavy user. I often watch 2 or more hours of video a day.

    I should also mention that while reception is much better, voice quality is better on the iPhone 4 especially with the noise cancelling microphone.

    Renault 5 Turbo Interior. Renault 5 Alpine Turbo GR2
  • Renault 5 Alpine Turbo GR2

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 29, 07:47 AM
    Living in the past? :confused:

    The Amazon outage was last week and the Playstation network is still down.


    Missed my point completely, I see. All devices and services have issues at first. But the future rolls on anyway. You'll see.

    Renault 5 Turbo Interior. Renault 5. Renault 5 Turbo
  • Renault 5. Renault 5 Turbo

  • emotion
    Sep 20, 10:30 AM
    That's pretty much my question too. The iTV is a mini without DVD, storage, OS, or advanced interface? I guess I just don't see a market for this at $300.

    I do, it's like an ipod for video. Or more like maybe airtunes. Anyway. Read the whole thread I think some people get it.

    I think I understand what Apple is getting at here. Not sure I'll buy one but they might be on to something

    Renault 5 Turbo Interior. Renault_5_GT_Turbo.jpg
  • Renault_5_GT_Turbo.jpg

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 28, 11:58 AM
    Right, schools should teach you how to think. Besides, what a kid learns at age 7 will be somewhat obsolete by the time she enters the work force at 24, seventeen years later. For all we know, she could be given a Linux box at that time, or a Chrome PC, or a Mac, or something not even invented yet instead of a Windows box.

    A lot can change in almost 20 years.

    Renault 5 Turbo Interior. Renault 5 Maxi Turbo
  • Renault 5 Maxi Turbo

  • mozumder
    Apr 13, 12:45 AM
    This really does look like an Aperture for Video!

    I'm curious to see what the full media cataloging is going to be like. I think that part really changes the workflow most.

    The people complaining about Color going away are going to be happy with the integrated color correction and color grading, especially if it's on the level of Aperture. You can pretty much do any possible color correction and grading with Aperture. Sure, plug-ins exist for Aperture, but the built in color correction is actually fine for everything once you know how to work it, and works at a pro level where most plugins cause it to look amateurish.

    I really see the new update as a perfect complement to dSLR-based video workflows. A dSLR with FCP X and its built-in color grading and correction basically means the end of all other production workflows.

    Renault 5 Turbo Interior. Renault 5 Turbo Bild - Auto
  • Renault 5 Turbo Bild - Auto

  • gugy
    Sep 12, 03:18 PM
    I love it! Great job Apple

    Renault 5 Turbo Interior. renault r5 turbo
  • renault r5 turbo

  • kresh
    Oct 26, 02:39 AM
    Now we see what Apple saw - why the Mac Pro is strickly BTO.

    Just add two more processor options for the X5355 and E5345, and this upgrade is done.

    Wow, simply amazing. Kudos Apple!

    Renault 5 Turbo Interior. renault r5 collection
  • renault r5 collection

  • pixpixpix
    Aug 23, 02:15 PM
    Another fallout from terrible AT&T service is that in many shops and restaurants, at least in the San Francisco area, and especially Berkeley, you can't check in using location services like Foursquare or Facebook Places since there isn't adequate coverage- eg: no service, no signal etc.

    That's bad for business.

    Merchants too should press AT&T and local authorities for more towers and better connections.

    Renault 5 Turbo Interior. Peugeot 205 contra Renault 5
  • Peugeot 205 contra Renault 5

  • PCUser
    Oct 7, 12:40 PM
    Originally posted by gopher

    Well so can the G4 be overclocked. So what's your point? Big whoop, overclock all you like, but we are talking about systems sold by manufacturers. To learn more about overclocking Macs, visit

    No, no, the Athlon in the test was overclockled. That Athlon would not be sold by system manufacturers overclocked that far.

    Added: The guy who ran this test even states that a dual 1GHz G4 rig is equal to 2GHz, which it isn't.

    On the graphics test, he doesn't even give the Athlon and P4 the same graphics card. That's a very innacurate testing site, IMO.

    Renault 5 Turbo Interior. Renault 5 Alpine Turbo,
  • Renault 5 Alpine Turbo,

  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 23, 05:28 PM
    It's easily possible for a European atheist to not be exposed to religion, grow up happily with their own set of ethics and morals, and never be challenged over their lack of belief. Intellectually lazy? Not really... why should anyone have to jump through hoops to prove the non existence of a god?

    You're quite right, and I agree that people are free to believe whatever they want. However, if they just believe something because "it's always been that way" or some other arbitrary reason then I don't have to respect them or take their beliefs seriously.

    I've found the response of some of the devout atheist posters in this thread very interesting, some of the others are of the "God doesn't exist, meh" camp, who I just ignore.

    Renault 5 Turbo Interior. Renault 5 Turbo 1.
  • Renault 5 Turbo 1.

  • MacRumors
    Oct 7, 10:30 AM (

    Computerworld reports ( that research firm Gartner is forecasting significant growth in Google's Android operating system for smart phones, noting that it expects Android to surpass Apple's iPhone to claim the number two spot behind Symbian OS with 14.5% of the global smart phone market by 2012.While the first Android product release, the T-Mobile G1, only won a lukewarm response, Android 1.5 (code-named Cupcake) is well thought-out, Dulaney said. Other expected improvements in Android for its application store and development environment will be "backed by the power of Google's search engine," he said. "Google's other up-and-coming consumer and enterprise products should make[Android] a dominant platform."

    And because Android and Google operate in an "integrative and open environment, [they] could easily top ... the singular Apple," he said.

    Android will also run on phones from several manufacturers, helping its growth, especially when compared to the iPhone, Dulaney said. In as many as 40 models of Android devices will ship, and the next OS update, code-named Donut, will ship in the second quarter, Dulaney predicted.The predicted margin is small, however, with Apple predicted to grab 13.7% of the smart phone market in 2012. Both companies are forecasted to take significant share from Symbian, which currently holds approximately 50% market share but is expected to fall to 39% over that time.

    Article Link: Android to Surpass iPhone in Market Share by 2012? (

    Renault 5 Turbo Interior. Renault 5 Turbo
  • Renault 5 Turbo

  • Abulia
    Sep 26, 06:41 PM
    I think beyond a certain level all these Cores are only going to be good for building up your ePeen, speaking of which where can I get one? :D

    Nevermind they are only 1.66Ghz each, there are 8 of them!
    It's not the speed of your cores that makes you a man, it's how many you have! :D

    Renault 5 Turbo Interior. Renault 5 Gt Turbo.
  • Renault 5 Gt Turbo.

  • Consultant
    Feb 15, 04:49 PM
    That's like arguing Linux will rule all computers in 201xyz.

    Interesting thought... I guess that's why so few people develop for the Iphone. Probably explains the paltry 150,000 apps written in the last eighteen months and the pitiful 3,000,000,000 downloads.

    I wish we had more .net developers cranking out apps a rate of 4 a year. Hopefully, Apple will learn from the folks in Redmond and really start making useful stuff.

    Plus the apple app store is confirmed to own close to 95% of mobile app market.

    Renault 5 Turbo Interior. Renault 5 GT coupe turbo
  • Renault 5 GT coupe turbo

  • rxse7en
    Oct 20, 01:30 PM
    My 24" came in earlier this week. Using it as my main monitor and the MBP screen is my tools monitor now. Very happy overall and the SD and CF ports are a bonus.


    Renault 5 Turbo Interior. Renault 5 Maxi Turbo Rally Car
  • Renault 5 Maxi Turbo Rally Car

  • jonnysods
    Apr 9, 02:07 PM
    Very exciting. Can't wait to see where this is all headed.

    Imagine iPhone 7, 8, 9, they are going to be incredible!

    Renault 5 Turbo Interior. and a Renault 5 Turbo 1
  • and a Renault 5 Turbo 1

  • AtomBoy
    Oct 7, 07:49 PM
    This is my first post but I think I can comment on this thread because my wife and I use both a Mac and a PC in our business.

    People get hung up on bench tests but, for me, the real 'speed' difference between a Mac and a PC is uptime.

    When my wife's hogging the Mac and I'm stuck on the PC she will be sailing through her work while I'm having to to reboot every couple of hours or so. While the PC is stalling and crashing, the Mac just keeps on working. Benchmarks, more often than not, deal in seconds whereas crashes and reboots are wasting minutes at a time.

    On the whole, I use resource-intensive programs, for image/video/audio editing. If I used mainly office programs or if I was a gamer, I'd probably stick to a PC for reasons of cost.

    As it is, I'm simply waiting for G5 developements next year to do away with the last PC I'll ever own.

    Renault 5 Turbo Interior. 1979 Renault 5 Gtl 5 Door
  • 1979 Renault 5 Gtl 5 Door

  • mtkoren
    Apr 9, 07:36 AM
    Poaching suggests illegal, secret, stealing or other misadventure that is underhanded and sneaky.

    From what I've read so far, and I'd be glad for someone to show me what I've missed, Apple had the job positions already advertised and for all we know these individuals, realizing their companies were sliding, applied to - and were received by - apple which replied with open arms. Does anyone have evidence to the contrary? Would that be poaching? Is this forum, like some others, doing headline greed?


    Renault 5 Turbo Interior. RENAULT 5 GT TURBO 1.4 86-92
  • RENAULT 5 GT TURBO 1.4 86-92

  • braddouglass
    Apr 10, 04:25 PM
    If you are happy with windows stick with it. if you don't "have" to switch because you need a specifitc application, just don't do it. It's not "THAT MUCH" better as everyone wants to make you believe. I still like to use my macbook though ;)

    You might not like the lack of customization, the need to drag and drop to move files (most cases), windows resizing, the dock, finder in general, graphics performance, lack of games, lack of professional software other than audio/video etc... the list goes on...

    So.. You can customize a mac pro just as much as any PC. There are plenty of games for mac, the good ones anyways. and they run them beautifully if your machine is equipped for it. and the gfx cards are good you just have to get a mac with a good gfx card. you cant buy a low end mac and expect it to run everything at HQ settings, nor a windows. There is tons of pro software but it is a little spendy, but what software isn't?

    Mar 19, 06:06 PM
    He just wants to play his music on Linux, is there something wrong with that?Yes.
    I really don't think that it would be terribly difficult to port iTunes or Quicktime to Linux.Probably not, but are you going to whip out a check to pay for it? Software delevelopment is not free.

    Apr 20, 08:36 PM
    Oh great another Android vs. iOS argument.
    C'mon fanboys, let people have their own opinion. But then again, it's "mac"rumors, so i think talking at the CNET forums or any other general big tech site would be ideal.

    From my experience, an Android phone is a better smartphone than the iPhone. But the iPhone has a much better ecosystem, and is less fragmented and such.
    But i'd take a better smartphone anytime. I'm willing to wait and give Apple a chance with iOS 5, who knows? Maybe they'll retake the crown as a better smartphone in my eyes? Then i won't be even thinking about Android!

    Apple didn't want to release the iPhone 3G until the 3G network was well diverse around America, and the world. There are a lot of major countries internationally who don't even have LTE networks ready, so i think any expectations of an LTE should be from a 2012 iPhone.

    May 2, 05:10 PM
    What are you even talking about?

    I simply commented on the fact that you must ask Google why they abandoned MS Windows for commercial use and that Google knows better.

    You come with an insulting post claiming they know more than me.

    Good if they know more than me and I don't have an issue but mind your own business sir.

    Sorry, I find you hard to comprehend, maybe because English is my first language?


    Google employees must use Macs...?

    probably tells you all you need to know about their internal IT team.

    a nonsensical decision given that IE still has more than half the browser market and Macs can't run it.

    security issues are staff issues...

    Mar 25, 02:36 PM
    On the contrary, our own Supreme Court has held it to be a fundamental right, and the United States through its treaty making power has also held it as a right through the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 16).
    Got a source for that?

    Is voting also a privilege?
    Of course not, but then again, I've never needed a license to vote. Have you?
    The fact that something is licensed does not change it from a right to a privilege.
    If it were a right, one would not need a license in the first place. A license implies the privilege it confers can be revoked at any time, such as driving, operating a boat, driving a forklift, operating a vehicle with air brakes, hunting, fishing, carrying a concealed weapon, owning a weapon (in your country), or having a television (again in your country). Obviously, not an exhaustive list. Conversely, I do not require a license to speak my mind in public, worship as I choose, have counsel present in the face of criminal proceedings, etc. Similarly, the state can decide not to issue me a license if I do not meet the criteria for obtaining one, and marriage falls under this purview.

    Apr 9, 05:00 AM
    You summed it up beautifully. You're not a gamer. You're what is called a time passer, which are what 99 percent of IOS games are, mind numbing time killers. That's fine. As long as Apple does not come in to the gaming market and starts trying to strong arm third party big names all is good.

    I would consider myself a hardcore gamer and I'm not ashamed of it. I went to PAX East the last 2 years and own all 3 home consoles plus a PSP, 3DS, DSi, iPhone and iPad. Gaming kept me away from all the drugs and alcohol that my friends were doing in high school. I'm almost 30 now and I'm married, have a good job, have a beautiful home and a beautiful wife, so lets not get stereotyped.

    True, some iPad/iPhone games are "casual time wasters" but there are also some FANTASTIC games. Dead Space iOS is fantastic and guess what, ITS WAS 10 DOLLARS. True, its not as good as the console versions, but those sold for 60 DOLLARS.

    Get off your friggin high horse when saying that App store gaming isn't real gaming.

    The gaming industry is upset with Apple because Apple is finally giving customers the option to pay what customers think a game is worth, not what a console manufacturer thinks a game is worth. If Pilot Wings 3DS was an App store game, it'd be AT MOST 10 dollars. I bought it, I enjoy it, but I feel ripped off by the price.

    This scares the hell out of Nintendo as their mandatory priced 40 dollar games are being compared not only in quality, but in PRICE to iOS games.

    Tiger Woods golf is another great game on the consoles, but that game is 60 dollars. The iPad version is very very similar (doesn't have Augusta and online modes and a few other small things) but its only 10 bucks on the iPad and I'm sure it'll be on sale shortly.

    Last year I picked up the iPhone version for 99 cents. I had more fun with that than the 60 dollar console version because at any time I could play a hole or 2 when I had a few minutes of down time at work.

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