Monday, May 30, 2011

2009 Jaguar Xkr S

2009 Jaguar Xkr S. 2009 Jaguar XKR-S Preview.
  • 2009 Jaguar XKR-S Preview.

  • Alaerian
    Apr 5, 06:00 PM
    Don't read so much into it. Macs are perfectly capable of both copy/paste and Alt-Tab. However, Mac simply uses Command-Tab - Command is in the same place as the Alt key.

    Under the Apple menu on the top toolbar, you can access both recently used programs and recently used files, just the same as in the Windows Start menu. It's essentially the same thing, but better.

    2009 Jaguar Xkr S. 2009 Jaguar XKR-S Pictures
  • 2009 Jaguar XKR-S Pictures

  • MonkeyClaw
    Sep 21, 08:49 AM
    I think this thing is perfect, especially for a person like myself who does not watch a ton of TV. In the end it will be cheaper for me just running one of these on my TV and subscribing to a couple of shows as opposed to spending money on cable or satellite. The built in HDD is an interesting development, I'm curious to see what that might bring about. But as it stands, I'm sold, lol.

    2009 Jaguar Xkr S. Jaguar XKR-S Interior Photos:
  • Jaguar XKR-S Interior Photos:

  • slu
    Sep 12, 03:32 PM
    Could you please provide a link to the coverage? I never heard of this.

    Are you serious? Check the front page much? :rolleyes:

    2009 Jaguar Xkr S. Jaguar XKR-S - Rear, 2009
  • Jaguar XKR-S - Rear, 2009

  • leomac08
    Mar 11, 01:22 AM
    Yeah that tsunami is massive. There were burning buildings floating on the surge as it rolled inland.

    Not good at all.

    Indeed, Tsunami of epic proportions

    Saw an airport completed flooded, but no planes!!!!

    My prayers go to Japan:(

    2009 Jaguar Xkr S. 2009 Jaguar XKR-S
  • 2009 Jaguar XKR-S

  • skunk
    Apr 24, 11:00 AM
    So why would you need to adapt your beliefs, unless of course the god doesn't exist and the Bible was just written by a bunch of blokes performing a rather cynical political exercise 2,000 years ago.How could you even think such a thing?

    2009 Jaguar Xkr S. Car : 2009 Jaguar XKR-S
  • Car : 2009 Jaguar XKR-S

  • Multimedia
    Jul 12, 04:24 PM
    man, my head is spinning...Yonah, Mermon, Woodcrest, Core Duo 2 (isn't that redundant?)

    Don't you just long for the good old days when we'd get one G4 processor for 18 months? ;)In A Word NO. There is nothing complicated about understanding Intel's Processor line. Only lazy consumers unwilling to read anything.

    All the details have been spoon fed to us for months by generous meembers here. I see no excuse for not know the differences by now and why what belongs where.

    2009 Jaguar Xkr S. 2009 Jaguar XKR-S
  • 2009 Jaguar XKR-S

  • moose.boy
    Aug 29, 02:00 PM
    How the hell can nokia be one of the top companies - here in the UK, the phones it makes are seen as throw-away. If you get the average pay as you go user upgrading every 9 months or so, the amount of waste produced is ridiculous.

    Also nokia is based Scandinavian country (finland i think) and i'm sure there are tougher laws on environmental issues over there than the US/UK. Therefore, is what nokia does because of it's own volition, or because they are forced to.

    2009 Jaguar Xkr S. Car : 2009 Jaguar XKR-S
  • Car : 2009 Jaguar XKR-S

  • nixd2001
    Oct 9, 12:43 PM
    Originally posted by Pants

    what when the altivec unit gets starved of data?

    Im talking from a 'doing' point of view - when a machine i have spent 2.5k wont allow me to use its best feature (with gcc) then i feel cheated.

    Is this that you think GCC can never invoke Altivec or that it doesn't know how to optimise from arbitrary code to Altivec?

    2009 Jaguar Xkr S. 2009 Jaguar XKR-S - Interior
  • 2009 Jaguar XKR-S - Interior

  • Multimedia
    Oct 26, 01:55 PM
    I highly doubt this will be a simple swap.Simple swap has already been tested and confirmed to work in early September by Anandtech ( The Clovertowns are quite expensive,Not really. The 2.66GHz Clovertown lists @ $1172 vs. $851 for both the 2.33GHz Clovertown and the 3GHz Woodie. Since Apple charges +$800 for a 3GHz Dual Woodie, this means they will likely charge only +$1100 for the 2.66GHz Dual Clovertown - total $3599. Hardly expensive at all. I'd say they are going to be a bargain and LESS EXPENSIVE when you look at the per core price of $450 - or PLUS $275 for each of four more cores.not to mention slower in terms of raw clock speed, so expect it to be a high priced upgrade.2.66GHz is not significantly slower than 3GHz - especially when the workload can be shared among many more.

    Clarification: If Apple asks for +$1400 or $3999 they will still sell like hotcakes and be a huge hit. So NO they are not going to be TOO Expensive because there is no such thing as too expensive in this market.

    I feel like I am having to explain this market to home user drop-ins who have nothing to do with why we need these 8-core Mac Pros. So they are oblivious to why anyone would even want one much less pay so much for one.

    2009 Jaguar Xkr S. 2009 Jaguar XKR-S instrument
  • 2009 Jaguar XKR-S instrument

  • Danksi
    Jul 12, 12:52 AM
    I've never used any of the PCI slots on my PowerMacs and don't expect that I ever will, but the ability to put any video card in is appealing. The iMac is nice and quite useful, but just slightly less than what is needed in many cases. The PowerMac has been more or less uncompromising speed and generally more than I wanted when I bought. With all of the emphasis on the name 'Mac' in the new naming scheme and a more competitive landscape now that we've gone Intel, I think (hope) this is the machine Apple will use to complete its desktop lineup.

    The Apple Mac... Nice sound to it, no?

    I like the idea of a cut down Mac Pro, but perhaps something with at least one PCI slot, or even an Expresscard as used on the MBPro. Useful expansion, so long as it is all user-servicable.

    2009 Jaguar Xkr S. JAGUAR XJL SUPERSPORT - Page 7

  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 24, 05:18 PM
    don't thank me, thank ct2k7 for saying just why islam is a threat to democracy.

    So, follow the local law unless a sane muslim man commits apostasy (then sentence him to death as under sharia law).

    follow local law unless someone insults the name of muhammad or who is critical of islam.

    you say it only applies to muslims yet the victims in blasphemy cases in pakistan, for example, are mostly christians.

    I do understand that correlation doesn't equal causation. However, Morocco is thousands of miles away from Pakistan yet both condone honour killing, do you understand the significance of that?

    My view may not be shared by ~1.5 billion muslims but it is shared by the many millions of muslims (ten million in africa by some estimates) who leave islam despite the death penalty levelled against them for apostasy.

    Lauren Booth isn't a very good advocate to endorse anything, except perhaps anti-psychotic medication.

    Lots of intellectuals supported the Nazi party yet many would be hard pressed to not call the Nazi party evil. the Qur'an and Mein Kampf are very similar. Both are chauvinistic, misogynistic and supremacist. Who wouldn't want to join a group that told you you can do whatever you want to your wife/children and that you're "the best of people" and going to heaven for emulating a degenerate warlord from the 7th century, and that all other people who disagree with you are wrong wrong wrong?

    The "war" against islam that you speak of is being encouraged by imams, and at saudi funded madrassas in the UK and beyond.

    in the US more hate crimes were perpetrated against jews in 2010 than any other group. hate crimes against muslims had gone down in 2010. so, i guess the islamophobia is really poisonous and rampant...

    interestingly, as the muslim population increases so too do reported cases of anti-semitic hate crimes.

    2009 Jaguar Xkr S. Jaguar Xk. Jaguar XKR-S 2009
  • Jaguar Xk. Jaguar XKR-S 2009

  • Demoman
    Sep 12, 07:43 PM
    What do you think? Is this going to be part of a component system which may included a Blue-Ray, DVD, Mini...system stackable and user configurable?

    2009 Jaguar Xkr S. Jaguar XKR-S, 2009
  • Jaguar XKR-S, 2009

  • taskmanager
    Feb 24, 01:02 AM
    Apple will come up with something. Their fan base is too strong

    2009 Jaguar Xkr S. a better Jaguar XKR:
  • a better Jaguar XKR:

  • citizenzen
    Apr 23, 11:07 PM
    Perhaps you should define atheism for me.

    I was under the impression it was the belief no god(s) existed. Which would then lead to someone with atheistic beliefs affirming the veracity of the statement "there are no god(s)."

    As I said a few posts back, I have rarely (never) encountered somebody who makes that claim.

    At that other forum (that I left because the level of discussion was so poor) there were a number of posts where people linked to examples of what they called "fundamentalist atheists".

    Yet, in every case, those atheists went out of their way to state that they don't know ultimately whether a God or Gods exist, only that there is no proof of their existence. If you can find an atheist who claims "There is no such thing as God," I'll say you found an idiot who likes to claim knowledge they can't possess.

    So my definition of an atheist would not be someone who claims to have disproved God, but one who is still waiting for you to prove yours.

    Edit: and then I saw Apple OC's post. Okay. At least one atheist fundamentalist exists.

    2009 Jaguar Xkr S. pictures jaguar-xkr-s car
  • pictures jaguar-xkr-s car

  • Multimedia
    Jul 12, 10:06 AM
    So, what, this leaves us with:

    * Mac Pro - Xeon/Woodcrest
    * iMac - Core2 Duo/Conroe
    * Mac Mini - Core Duo or Core2 Duo

    Would the laptops get updated with the Core2 Duo?I'm still wondering why not both - Xeon Woody in pairs for the top of the line Quad and Conroe in the mid and low Core 2 Duo models. I can't see Apple spending all that extra money to support two cores from one Woody when it will cost them a lot less to use Conroe and a Conroe motherboard for the same two core performance. Can you?because the price difference is not that much and it saves apple more on design/engineering/testing/support ect. it makes great financial sense to consolidate your product line into one platform.Fair enough. Thanks for helping me understand why you think the line won't be split. I see Boncellis' point of view as well. Well we only have 26 more days to find out.

    I expect MacBook Pros will get Merom ASAP up to 2.33 GHz and that mini and MacBooks will go Merom later by January at the latest only 2GHz max.

    2009 Jaguar Xkr S. Car : 2009 Jaguar XKR-S
  • Car : 2009 Jaguar XKR-S

  • snoopy07
    May 5, 02:22 PM
    The perfect solution would be for apple to give all US carriers the Iphone. Then we can go and pick the network that works best. People that like At&t stay with At&t, if you want Verizon or t-mobile then go, that way we all live happy. It�s your call Apple :apple: we customers deserve to choose our carrier for our iphone.

    2009 Jaguar Xkr S. 2009 Jaguar XKR-S - Board
  • 2009 Jaguar XKR-S - Board

  • javajedi
    Oct 9, 09:34 PM
    Alex, thank you for setting the record straight. I am so sick and tired of hearing the over and over highly fallacious arguments. In many ways these ppl are worse than Windows bigots. They *think* they are educated but aren't; at least Windows bigots don't pretend.

    I can personally vouch for the miserable performance on double-precision floating point: The Java test I made is a simple timing comparison of a double-loop of 200,000,000 type double fp ops (multiply,square root, and addition).

    Lower scores are better:

    G4 800: 104251
    P4 2.6: 5890

    *VIA C3 Ezra: 103043

    Incidentally I ran the test on my linux "cube" box. Actually more of a rectangle- but hey? :) Looks like this

    Anyways, I put in a VIA C3 processor. 800 mhz, runs very cool, no fan required. The chip is extremely reasonable.. I paid $29 for it 3 months ago. In my benchmark this low end, elcheapo $29 chip outperformed/equaled my $3500 PowerBook.

    Jesus Jumping Christ ppl.. wake up and listen to what alex is saying; he is *NOT* arbitrarily pulling this out of his ass.

    You may hear a bunch of flames from others, but not me. I for one (and many others on this board) thank you for taking the time. Regardless though, no matter what, there will always be those individuals that will not listen to logic and reason. Instead they will dismiss the truth along with anyone and everything as being �PC biased�. People need to stop treating this like religion and start being real.

    2009 Jaguar Xkr S. 2009 Jaguar Xkr S
  • 2009 Jaguar Xkr S

  • leekohler
    Apr 15, 09:13 AM
    If they alienate customers who think bullying people into suicidal depression is a good thing, then great.

    Yep. I see no reason to worry about people like that.

    2009 Jaguar Xkr S. 2009 Jaguar XKR-S
  • 2009 Jaguar XKR-S

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 21, 01:34 PM
    Your profile name/avatar/signature shows how unbias you are...shame on these crazy Android users who can't see the merit of a different OS :rolleyes:

    Of course I'm biased. I'm on an Apple user community forum.

    What I would not do is join an Android user forum with a user name like iOS Rules and an avatar of a dead Android robot and spend my days telling all the Android users how much more awesome my platform of choice is and how dumb they are for choosing something else. Not only would that be rude, but it would also likely get me booted from the forum for trolling (something that sadly is not enforced around here).

    I have no problem with Android. What I do have a problem with is the deafening amount of noise being made all over the Web by the more vocal segment of the Android population. As far as grassroots astroturfing goes, I've never seen anything like it. It blew the top off the annoyance thermometer about 6 months ago.

    Mar 11, 03:25 AM
    The Guardian has a good updated feed here ( if anyone wants to be kept updated

    Apr 20, 05:30 PM
    Android is to Windows, as iOS is to Mac OS.

    The similarities are astounding � Google is doing the same thing Microsoft did back in the day.

    As much as Apple cares about marketshare, the experience is more important to them then the product itself. That's really something.

    And there's one more thing. Back then, it was Mac and only mac.

    Today, its an ecosystem. Hard to beat.

    Oct 7, 12:03 PM
    Android is a mobile OS. iPhone is a device. Android is and will be used in many devices by many manufacturers. iPhone is only one device, but if you add iPod Touch which runs the same OS I don't think Android can surpass it by 2012.

    Apr 24, 04:50 AM
    Seriously? It's Santa Claus for adults. Lots of wishful thinking and not accepting reality. But we are definitely immortal in the sense that when we die, we feed the ground that helps feed other organisms. We may die as personalities, but everything we are feeds some other life form. I think that's beautiful. I don't want to live forever, that would be horrible. I would just like to think that while I was alive, I helped someone be happy or made others' lives easier.

    I have been blessed with an athletic and healthy body. Other people are not so lucky. I see people with CP or Parkinson's or other illnesses, and all I can think about is how I can help those folks. You all know that hockey has become important to me in the last few months since I started playing-it has changed me in ways I can't explain. It's made me a new person. It is that one thing I thought I could never do, and now at 44, I am playing with guys who are 21 years old and I freak them out. And they have helped me out too. "Dude, no way, you are pretty damn good." I love that. :) I want to help other people do the same. I only have maybe what? 10 years to play this game at a competitive level if I'm lucky?

    Lots of programs I want to get involved with for physically challenged kids and hockey. It is just such a great confidence builder:

    Point is- for all we know, we get one time here. Let's make the best of it by having fun and helping everyone we can.

    So screw a "god" or whatever. There is no such thing. We live and we should be thankful that we are here now. We only get so much time. Let's make the best of it.

    Doctor Q
    Mar 18, 03:54 PM
    I'm not pleased with this development, because Apple's DRM is necessary to maintain the compromise they made with the record labels and allow the iTunes Music Store to exist in the first place. If the labels gets the jitters about how well Apple is controlling distribution, that threatens a good part of our "supply" of music, even though I wouldn't expect a large percentage of mainstream customers to actually use a program like PyMusique.

    Will Apple be able to teach the iTunes Music Store to distinguish the real iTunes client from PyMusique with software changes only on the server side? If not, I imagine that only an iTunes update (which people would have to install) could stop the program from working.

    Suppose iTunes is updated to use a new "secret handshake" with the iTunes Music Store in order to stop other clients from spoofing iTunes. Will iTunes have any way to distinguish tunes previously purchased through PyMusique from tunes acquired from other sources, i.e., ripped from CDs? Perhaps the tags identify them as coming from iTMS and iTunes could apply DRM after the fact. Then again, tags can be removed.

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